Year: 2011
- Tambouratzis, G., Sofianopoulos, S., Vassiliou, M., Simistira, F. & Tsimboukakis, N (2011). A resource-light phrase scheme for language-portable MT. In Forcada, M. L., Depraetere, H. & Vadeghinste, V. (editors), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, pages 185-192. Leuven, Belgium. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2011). A Survey of Domain Adaptation in Machine Translation: Towards a refinement of domain space. In Proceedings of the India-Norway Workshop on Web Concepts and Technologies. Trondheim, Norway. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Kilgarriff, A., PVS, A. & Pomikálek, J (2011). BootCatting Comparable Corpora. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, pages 123-126. Paris, France. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Pomikálek, J (2011). Corpus Architect developments and CCBC (Comparable Corpus BootCat). In. Brighton, UK. [More] [Online version]
- Jakubíček, M (2011). Effective Parsing Using Competing CFG Rules. In Habernal, I. & Matoušek, V. (editors), Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD2011), pages 115-122. Plzeň, Czech Republic : Springer Verlag. [More] [Online version]
- Sofianopoulos, S. & Tambouratzis, G (2011). Studying the SPEA2 Algorithm for Optimising a Pattern-Recognition Based Machine Translation System. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM 2011), pages 97-104. Paris, France : IEEE PRESS. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Kilgarriff, A (2011). Terminology, translation, and PRESEMT; word frequency lists and KELLY. In. Brighton, UK. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Preuss, S., Keffer, H. & Schmidt, P (2011). Using annotated corpora for rapid development of new language pairs in MT. In Proceedings of GSCL 2011. Hamburg, Germany. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Marsi, E., Lynum, A., Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2011). Word Translation Disambiguation without Parallel Texts. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. Barcelona, Spain. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
Year: 2010
- Kilgarriff, A (2010). Comparable Corpora Within and Across Languages, Word Frequency Lists and the KELLY Project. In Rapp, R., Zweigenbaum, P. & Sharoff, S. (editors), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC2010) [held in conjunction with LREC2010], pages 1-5. Valletta, Malta. [More] [Online version]
- Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2010). Evolutionary Algorithms in Natural Language Processing. In Yildirim, Ş. & Kofod-Petersen, A. (editors), Proceedings of the Second Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium (NAIS 2010), pages 7-18. Gjøvik, Norway. [More] [JRESEARCH_FULLTEXT]
- Jakubíček, M., Kilgarriff, A., McCarthy, D. & Rychlý, P (2010). Fast syntactic searching in very large corpora for many languages. In Otoguro, R., Ishikawa, K., Umemoto, H., Yoshimoto, K. & Harada, Y. (editors), Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 24), pages 741-747. Tokyo, Japan. [More] [Online version]