Tsimboukakis, Nikos

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Position: Not specified
Research areas:
  • Uncategorized


  • Tambouratzis, G., Tsatsanifos, G., Dologlou, I. & Tsimboukakis, N (2012). SOM-based corpus modeling for disambiguation purposes in MT. In Proceedings of the Hybrid Machine Translation Workshop [held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue [(TSD2012)]. Brno, Czech Republic. [More] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Sofianopoulos, S., Vassiliou, M., Simistira, F. & Tsimboukakis, N (2011). A resource-light phrase scheme for language-portable MT. In Forcada, M. L., Depraetere, H. & Vadeghinste, V. (editors), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, pages 185-192. Leuven, Belgium. [More]