Bungum, Lars

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Position: Not specified
Research areas:
  • Uncategorized


  • Lynum, A., Marsi, E., Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2012). Disambiguating word translations with target language models. In Proceedings of the Hybrid Machine Translation Workshop [held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue [(TSD2012)], pages 378-385. Brno, Czech Republic : Springer. [More] 
  • Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2012). Efficient N-gram Language Modeling for Billion Word Web-Corpora. In Proceedings of the workshop 'Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora' (CMLC) [held in conjunction with LREC2012], pages 6-12. Istanbul, Turkey. [More] 
  • Marsi, E., Lynum, A., Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2011). Word Translation Disambiguation without Parallel Texts. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. Barcelona, Spain. [More] 
  • Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2011). A Survey of Domain Adaptation in Machine Translation: Towards a refinement of domain space. In Proceedings of the India-Norway Workshop on Web Concepts and Technologies. Trondheim, Norway. [More] 
  • Bungum, L. & Gambäck, B (2010). Evolutionary Algorithms in Natural Language Processing. In Yildirim, Ş. & Kofod-Petersen, A. (editors), Proceedings of the Second Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium (NAIS 2010), pages 7-18. Gjøvik, Norway. [More]